ExpressionEngine 2024 Quarter 1 Review Quarter 1 Review
I’m using the extension (v1.1) with EE 1.6.3 (20080421) and getting URLs that have redirects in them like you get when previewing a template. See this post. It looks like it has something to do with the $bounce Typography Call Property, but I can’t see a way to turn that off or where that might be coming from. Anybody have any clue?
I had the same problem with the “create tab” link redirecting to my homepage.
I found out this was happening because I’m using “admin.php” in my root folder to login to the CP, and the extension calls to “index.php”. So the simple fix was to edit the extension language file and simply change it from index.php to admin.php.
…I think a better implementation would be to introduce a drop down select on the right hand side of the communicate page…
Hi there again Cocoaholic, just about to ‘use this in anger’ for perhaps the first time on a site I’m working on at the mo and wondered if you had any updates in the pipeline. The main issue being the method used to select a template to populate the communicate window with. 😊
The unsubscribe link is part of the ordinary mailing list template but the site user has to use the Communicate edit window to type out their message and if they’re sending HTML emails, they need to find where in the HTML to include it, whereas the main reason I want to use the multiple newsletter extension is that the site user can compose their email message like any other weblog entry and have it automatically embedded in the HTML.
I was being a muppet, of course Tyssen is right, the unsubscribe link is found in the mailing list template. So there’s no need to worry about including a link in the template which you are creating for this Extension as it will have the unsubscribe link appended or prepended based on what is in the selected mailing list template!
Make sense? 😊
Holy Crap!
That is one good extension! Just had an email exchange re newsletters with a client who charmingly said “Maybe you could write a script or something to automate sending a newsletter based on content from one of the pages.”
And then a forum search comes up with this sweet little extension.
Thanks! Today is a good day.
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