ExpressionEngine 6 Update and Beta
10/12/2020 / By Tom Jaeger

10/12/2020 / By Tom Jaeger
At the recent ExpressionEngine Conference (EEConf 2020), we had the opportunity to present to almost 400 attendees, give an update on the status of version 6, and share a few details about ExpressionEngine 6 that we hadn’t yet made public. For the many people who didn’t have the opportunity to attend, the following is a recap of some of the updates we are most excited about.
For starters, ExpressionEngine 6 public beta will be released this Wednesday (10/14/2020)
ExpressionEngine 6 will be an LTS (Long Term Support) release. As such, it will be supported for 5 years, and will receive NO breaking changes in that time. Additional blog post on this to follow.
In ExpressionEngine 5.4 and 6, you will now be able to upgrade directly from older versions of ExpressionEngine to 6. This means no more stopping at version 3, 4, and 5. In addition to this, it will also notify you of potential upgrade issues upon completion.
In ExpressionEngine 6, we’re excited to release the Jump Menu. Introducing a new paradigm in CMS navigation. Check out this video for a quick demo.
While it won’t be in the initial 6.0 release, 6.0 will eventually add support for twig templates as well as the native templating language. Our plan is to allow developers to choose which template parser they would like to use for a given template.
Introducing a new paradigm in CMS navigation
While not ExpressionEngine 6 specific, we also want to share that in the 11 months since we re-opened slack, we’ve seen the slack member base grow from approximately 2,500 people to just under 5,000 people. In that time we’ve also seen the activity increase over 1,400%. If you haven’t joined us in Slack yet, now is a great time!
Packet Tide owns and develops ExpressionEngine. © Packet Tide, All Rights Reserved.