ExpressionEngine 2024 Quarter 1 Review Quarter 1 Review
Hi Sue,
I am going to bundle all these in a “Tab Access” extension when I have some time.
For now I made a separate extension that hides the Sites tab. It also disables access to that page altogether.
I also updated the “My Account” extension to do the same thing. Even if you leave the ‘quicklinks’ link in there, people won’t be able to access any part of the “My Account” page.
Cocoaholic, great work! I have uploaded your extensions.
Now I wonder if it’s possible to remove some tabs within the modules pane.
In the Gallery module, I want to hide:
view entries categories preferences.
E.g., I want a bunch of students to upload pictures into the gallery, and put their own names and credits and captions in there. But I don’t want them to be able to access the “view entries” tab (because then they could easily delete or mess up each other’s work), or the “categories” (again, don’t want them to mess it up), or, of course, the “preferences”.
I DO want them to be able to add new entries, batch entries, use the toolbox, and view gallery.
In this case, I would show the module tab (since this class of user has access only to gallery, they won’t see anything else), but hide the three tabs listed above.
I think this would make the gallery a very useful community tool.
Is it doable?
Well, this was more of an either/or thing.
Either: an extension - provided that it would be simple to just modify this current extension to do the same thing but to the tabs one layer down within a module (hide edit, categories & preferences),
Or: an actual feature of the forum module to make it community usable within a website. Make it more integrated into the publish and edit tab features ? I don’t know how you would approach it that way.
Because also, incorporating it that way would enable multiple authors’ information in the gallery. Right now, if we get multiple people using the gallery module, it doesn’t distinguish authorship. And they can only edit it a bit on their first post, but after that need access to the edit entries tab, which I’m trying to hide with the extension modifications proposed here so they don’t go in and delete other people’s stuff.
But this is limiting and then it’s back on the admin to do any edits. Inefficient.
So, it’s like 2 different paths to take here: 1) an extension approach for hiding tabs; or 2) the feature request for forum publishing and editing capacity by multiple users which is far more involved, but would be very useful down the line.
Hi there,
Just wanted to say thanks for these extensions! I’ve just used them in combination with the excellent Structure module to help simplify the Control Panel for a client. I now have just a single tab in the user control panel for the client (containing the Structure module) - can’t get much simpler for a client that that! 😊
Thanks for these extensions- I just added MSM and needed to hide the ‘sites’ drop down for some of our members.
I noticed that after installing this extension, Safari & Chrome still display the drop down menu, but the ‘sites’ word is not visible. In Firefox, the sites tab & drop down are hidden.
Do you know about these browser compatibility issues??
Thanks! Rowan
I’m seeing the same thing as dj-rowan. Although it’s hidden from view, as soon as a user moves their mouse near where the Sites tab was, they see the dropdown. This isn’t quite good enough for my users unfortunately.
Does anyone know of a way to properly remove it, whilst still retaining it for Super Admins?
Hi there, Just wanted to say thanks for these extensions! I’ve just used them in combination with the excellent Structure module to help simplify the Control Panel for a client. I now have just a single tab in the user control panel for the client (containing the Structure module) - can’t get much simpler for a client that that! 😊 Thanks, Stephen
Hey Stephen, how did you manage to remove the publish tab? I can’t seem to find that in an extension anywhere?
I see now. By using the permission and groups to keep access from those tabs.
Hi there, Just wanted to say thanks for these extensions! I’ve just used them in combination with the excellent Structure module to help simplify the Control Panel for a client. I now have just a single tab in the user control panel for the client (containing the Structure module) - can’t get much simpler for a client that that! 😊 Thanks, StephenHey Stephen, how did you manage to remove the publish tab? I can’t seem to find that in an extension anywhere? EDIT ADD: I see now. By using the permission and groups to keep access from those tabs.
Hi Rob,
I can’t remember how I did it now so you’re probably right! 😊 Though I think I later realised that I needed one of the Publish or Edit tabs in order to work with new entries for the Structure module so I couldn’t quite slim it down as much as I’d have liked, but still an improvement.
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