ExpressionEngine 2024 Quarter 1 Review Quarter 1 Review
Alright, I have another extension with gives you control over matrices of data. It was developed to hold information for a variable number of committee members positions. The number of columns are customizable in the extensions settings, as are the labels for the columns.
For a little more control replace the number of columns with a space and the labels with a space. Then in the edit field page change the field type to a text field and enter the number of columns you would like in the textarea rows. Then change it to a drop-down list and enter your labels in the drop down list box. Finally change the field back to a multi text and you’re done. Field specific settings.
Also, the template for this field is a pair and should look as follows (assuming my field name is {members}):
{members limit="50"}
<li><strong>{col_1}</strong>: {col_2}</li>
{members col_1="Mark"}
<li><strong>{col_1}</strong>: {col_2}</li>
Update: You can now use the backspace=”x” attribute like in weblog entries tags.
1) There’s a bug – incompatibility with other extensions of yours (I don’t know with which of them, that will take another hour).
It works if there’re no similar ext’s. If I use it & resave the Article after enabling other ext’s, the data disappear in the Article, Drop-Down doesn’t work at all – it has only the first line with “1”).
2) How to use it similarly {if demo_extended != ""}?
(or to embed the option)
Mark, this a great extension, thanks for sharing so many great mods and exts.
One problem - for posts that don’t have a custom field set up with a multi text field, I was getting an undefined index error - index: field line :388
My quick solution was to check the query results and bail out in the modify_post() function that was throwing the error. Not sure if there’s a better way… but fyi:
$field_data = "";
$query = $DB->query("SELECT f.field_id FROM exp_weblog_fields AS f, exp_weblogs AS w WHERE w.weblog_id=".$_POST["weblog_id"]." AND f.group_id=w.field_group AND f.field_type='".$this->type."'");
if ($query->num_rows == 0)
I’ve fixed the undefined index error. You can get the latest version up top. Also if you’re using the “file”, “multi drop-down list”, or “checkbox” extension you’ll have to update them to fix the problem with saving that you were seeing. You can find the updates at their respective posts:
Checkbox: Multi Drop-down List: Multi Text: File:
Or you can find a list of them on my docs page:
I was happy to see that you had updated the extension to get rid of the error. Only now i’m experiencing a new one :(.
Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /opt/guide/ on line 355
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /opt/guide/ in /opt/guide/ on line 293
Awesome, thanks for the updates Mark. I’m using your extension to build a product variation select list (large, medium, small etc) with the label, value, and image name (already existing) each in their own column. Works awesome. Now if I may just see if can just figure out a way to make one column accept images either from a file-like interface or the build in EE uploader.
Thanks so much again for releasing these to the community, great stuff and great inspiration for what can be done with such a flexible system.
Hi there,
I wanted to use this plugin to create flash slideshows with images and captions. I set it up to have three columns: images (wich contains a url to the images), caption_1 and caption_2. now when i submit a new entry, only the content of {col_1} stays, the rest disappears …
Have you heard about this before? How can this be fixed ?
Thanks for pointing this out. It stemmed from an error when custom (per-field) settings were used. So I’ve fixed that and also fixed a bug that occurred when you tried to preview an entry (all your data would disappear!). Like always grab the latest version at the top of this thread.
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