ExpressionEngine 6.4 & 7.2
11/7/2022 / By Tom Jaeger

11/7/2022 / By Tom Jaeger
Hello ExpressionEngine friends.
Today we’re excited to share with you the release of not just one version of ExpressionEngine but two. Let me introduce them to you.
Version 6.4 is bringing with it the large performance scope that was originally shipped as part of ExpressionEngine 7.0.0. If you want to hear more on HOW we did it, I’d encourage you to watch this short, few-minute segment of the ExpressionEngine 7 launch event. In addition to this, we’re also bringing the global caching options launched with version 7 into version 6.4. We believe these are important steps to help lower the carbon footprint of all ExpressionEngine sites and we hope you enjoy the added speed!
Check out the changelog for all the goodies!
Version 7.2 is bringing with it new customization options for RTE (Rich Text Editors). Further insight into where fields are being used, the ability to edit related content while on the publish page, additional RTL (Right to Left) support in RTE, and much more
Likewise, check out the changelog for all of the goodies.
In addition to this, we’re happy to share that both releases are getting an updated checkbox field (specifically moving selected items to the top), as well as a large development scope by the community.
Starting in version 6.4 and 7.2 add-on developers can now build add-ons by taking advantage of new methodologies to organize their code. This will allow developers to split their extensions, MCPs, and modules into multiple files for better organization of code. Each extension hook, tag, action, and control panel route can optionally be organized into its own files.
A special shout out to Eric Lamb for this contribution!
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