2024 Year in Review
1/22/2025 / By Tom Jaeger

1/22/2025 / By Tom Jaeger
While 2024 is done and we’re currently running full steam ahead with our plans for 2025, we felt it was appropriate to pause for a minute and reflect on several milestones from the last year.
For starters, with the release of Template Generators in version 7.5, ExpressionEngine saw the largest acceleration in site-building speed since ExpressionEngine 1.0. These generators automate the creation of essential template code, drastically reducing the time required to get a fully functional site up and running.
We also introduced major improvements to member management, making it more powerful and flexible than ever before. These updates include a brand-new Members fieldtype in channel entries, support for more custom field types to be used for member data, additional member templating tags, and support for logging in via email address.
Additionally, the Member Management section in the Control Panel received a complete overhaul, bringing it in line with the modern, streamlined design of the Entry Manager.
Another key improvement was the standardization of inline errors for front-end forms, making them easier to work with and more consistent. These error messages are also included by default in the new Template Generators, enabling developers to quickly implement user-friendly forms with minimal effort.
We also took a significant step forward with the release of the Coilpack 2 beta. This version includes Template Generators that now support both Twig and Blade, making it dramatically faster and easier to create sites with these templating engines. Additionally, Coilpack 2 introduces Control Panel access to Coilpack version information and the GraphiQL Explorer, giving developers the tools they need right at their fingertips.
EECONF 2024 was a huge success, bringing together an amazing community of ExpressionEngine enthusiasts! One particular session to highlight was the unscripted EE Mayhem session, where attendees shared incredible demos showcasing their creativity, the energy in the room was palpable, and the demos awesome! Special thanks to Rick Ellis for stopping by to share his reflections on the early days of ExpressionEngine as well!
Huge shout out to the conference committee for making it all happen! We look forward to meeting in person again this year, in London!
Similarly as you may recall, at this year’s ExpressionEngine conference, we gave a glimpse into the future of eCommerce within ExpressionEngine. In the near future, we’ll also be sharing some exciting developments about what eCommerce will look like in 2025 and beyond. Stay tuned for more!
We’re truly grateful for the incredible ExpressionEngine community. The creativity, passion, and support you all bring is inspiring. Whether sharing knowledge or solving problems, the collaboration within this community makes it so special. We’re thankful to serve such a dedicated group, and your continued enthusiasm drives us forward. We look forward to working with you in 2025!
Here’s to even greater things in 2025!
– The ExpressionEngine Team
Packet Tide owns and develops ExpressionEngine. © Packet Tide, All Rights Reserved.