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Dependant secondary category select dropdown.

November 23, 2012 3:19pm

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  • #1 / Nov 23, 2012 3:19pm


    64 posts

    I’m looking for an EE2 version of this.  Any suggestions? 

    This question may be related to a resolved thread.


  • #2 / Nov 24, 2012 4:38pm


    64 posts

    I ended up building my own “custom rolled” solution.

    I’m using a little ajax, jquery, child categories plugin and templates to complete what I was looking for.

    Here’s the (currently unfinished) project with the dependent category menu in action.

    Here’s a few code bits that are a little unrefined but working. 

    In the category template you want the menu on.

    <!---  ///// Hackidoodle Ajax Cat Menu //// --->
        <form name="catmenu" action="">
        <select name="category" id="category">
            {exp:channel:categories channel="instruments" style="linear" parent_only="yes" show="not 79|71"}
                <option value="{category_name}">{category_name}</option>
    <div class="loading-center">/themes/site_themes/wadsworth_music/img/wait.gif</div>
    $(document).ready(function () {
    // Ajax Loader
        .hide()  // hide it initially
        .ajaxStart(function() {
        .ajaxStop(function() {
    // Pass variable on Submit
    function DoSubmit(){
        document.myform.myinput.value = "location=document.catmenu.category.options[document.catmenu.category.selectedIndex].value;";
        return true;
    $("#selcat").val($("#selcat option:first").val());
       var $category = $('#category'),
        $selcat = null;
        $category.change(function () {
       var categoryName = $category.val();
       if ($selcat == null) {
        $selcat = $('<select id="selcat" name="selcat" class="awesome_selectbox" /select>').appendTo('form');
        $selcat.load('/dyno-menu/select-boxes-' + categoryName + '.html'); //This defines the url of the ajax templates

    I created a template group named dyno-menu

    The template names are


    Each one of these pages has a child category tag pair defining the category you want to display.

    {exp:child_categories category_group="2" parent="your_categoy_id" parent_categories_sort_by="custom" child_categories_sort_by="custom" show_empty="yes"}
    <option value="{path='instruments/category-list/category/C{child_category_id}'}">{child_category_name} ({entries_total}) </option>

    So, below looks in the dyno-menu template group for select-boxes- and looks for the name of the file after the - and which is also the name of the category being used.

    $selcat.load('/dyno-menu/select-boxes-' + categoryName + '.html');


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