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Installer won't pass License Agreement

May 09, 2012 7:24am

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  • #1 / May 09, 2012 7:24am

    Etheya's avatar


    213 posts

    Im having similar issues… but cant seem to get passed the License Agreement page… on accepting and clicking Submit i just get presented with a white screen with the same URL at the top as i had on the previous page..


    Any ideas?


  • #2 / May 09, 2012 7:30am

    Etheya's avatar


    213 posts

    Doesnt seem to like the ajax_progress=yes part of the URL…. ajax_progress=no redirects back to the licence page.. but i just cant get past that page at all…

  • #3 / May 09, 2012 4:20pm

    Dan Decker

    7338 posts

    Hi Ethaya,

    I split you off into your own thread as your issue seems completely different. I didn’t want you to get muddled in the other thread.

    Are you using any add-ons at all? Can you try to remove the third_party folder for testing?

    Once you have it removed (or renamed temporarily) try running the installer again.

    I look forward to your reply!


  • #4 / May 16, 2012 8:27am

    Curtis Blackwell's avatar

    Curtis Blackwell

    47 posts

    I can confirm that this worked for me after receiving a 500 error when updating to 2.5.

    Why did the third_party folder affect the update?

  • #5 / May 18, 2012 6:01pm

    Dan Decker

    7338 posts

    Hi Curtis,

    I believe the issue arises because the updater is trying to run the update scripts of third-party modules.

    Moving them out of the way lets the updater complete, then you can update third-party modules after.


  • #6 / May 18, 2012 10:28pm

    Curtis Blackwell's avatar

    Curtis Blackwell

    47 posts

    Ah, makes sense. thanks.

    …so should i file a bug report for that?

    EDIT: nm… found it

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