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MSM Setup

May 31, 2011 1:08pm

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  • #1 / May 31, 2011 1:08pm

    Kurt Lach

    2 posts

    I am having the most difficult time setting up a secondary site using the MSM.  I have been able to create a second site, create a new member group through the master site, create a new user through the master site, set up new channels, categories, custom fields and templates through the new site. I am able to log in as the new user, but never see my new post. Under “Edit Entries—> Options” the channel is always blank and the status always changes to closed after I save it. 

    Does anyone have any words of advice?  Am I doing something wrong in the set up?  This seems a little more difficult than it should to me?

    Thanks in advance!


  • #2 / Jun 01, 2011 5:40am

    John Henry Donovan's avatar

    John Henry Donovan

    12339 posts

    Hi Kurt ,

    What version and build of EE are you using?

    Have you set a default Status group under your Channel preferences? Your entry defaulting to closed is the default behaviour here if you have not set it for the Channel

  • #3 / Jun 08, 2011 11:27am

    Kurt Lach

    2 posts

    Hey John,

    No, I did not have a default status group listed and that did fix things.  Thank you for your help!


  • #4 / Jun 09, 2011 2:44am

    John Henry Donovan's avatar

    John Henry Donovan

    12339 posts

    Glad to help. Feel free to start a new thread if you have any more questions

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