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php excel reader - problem reading multiple files at once

October 25, 2010 10:10am

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  • #1 / Oct 25, 2010 10:10am


    2 posts

    i’m using Codeigniter 1.7.2 with the PHP Excel Reader found in the Codeigniter Wiki.
    The standard use is to provide the filename of the Excel like this:

    $params = array(‘file’ => $pathToFile, ‘store_extended_info’ => true,‘outputEncoding’ => ‘’);
        $this->load->library(‘Spreadsheet_Excel_Reader’, $params);

    I read the XLS files in a model, but due to that, that i have to read multiple files i cannot assign in the model constructor the filename to be read. I do it later in the specific functions. My constructor looks like this:

    function Chartsofc() {
            $params = array("store_extended_info" => false, "outputEncoding" => "");
            $this->load->library("Spreadsheet_Excel_Reader", $params);

    I provide only store_extended_info false and standard encoding.

    Later on in the functions i call the ***read*** method of the php_excel_reader library like this:

    function get_sheet_names($File) {
            $pathToFile = $this->xls_dir.$File;
            $sheetcount = $this->spreadsheet_excel_reader->sheetcount();
            for($i = 0; $i < $sheetcount; $i++){
                $sheet_names[$i] = $this->spreadsheet_excel_reader->boundsheets[$i]['name'];
            return $sheet_names;

    I think the problem is that php-excel-reader opens the files but does not close them. There is no method to close them. Also i dont see that php-excel-reader is closing the files automatically.

    I got a function which first reads all excels and gets me the sheetnames, but the for reading i need to get the sheet index. i wrote a function for that and i works on lone files, but when i read here more and twice it produces wrong results This is because php-excel-reader’s read function is called twice:
    in $this->get_sheet_names($files[$index]);
    and later in: $this->get_sheet_index_by_name(“xls\\” . $fs_arr[$index2][0] , $fs_arr[$index2][1]);

    function get_tags() {
            $files = directory_map('./xls/');
            $tags = array();
            $fs_arr = array(); 
            $init = 0;
            for ($index = 0; $index < count($files); $index++) {
                $sheets = $this->get_sheet_names($files[$index]);
                for ($index1 = $init; $index1 < count($sheets); $index1++) {
                    $fs_arr[$init][0] = $files[$index];
                    $fs_arr[$init][1] = $sheets[$index1];
            for ($index2 = 0; $index2 < count($fs_arr); $index2++) {
                $sheetIndex = $this->get_sheet_index_by_name("xls\\" . $fs_arr[$index2][0] , $fs_arr[$index2][1]);
                echo $fs_arr[$index2][1] . ' - ' . $sheetIndex . "\r\n";
                return $tags;

    Then i got 4 XLS files and in produces a output of:

    //name - index
            1_PKB - 0
            2_Inny - 1
            3_Tortowy - 2
            4_Liniowy - 3
            5_test - 4
            1_PKBO - 5
            2_BZT5 - 6
            3_PM10 - 7
            1_PKB - 0
            2_Inny - 1
            Arkusz1 - 10
            Arkusz2 - 11
            Arkusz3 - 12
            Rys_4_2_1 - 13

    Instead of getting the right indexes of the sheets

    //name - index
            1_PKB - 0
            2_Inny - 1
            3_Tortowy - 2
            4_Liniowy - 3
            5_test - 4
            1_PKBO - 0
            2_BZT5 - 1
            3_PM10 - 2
            1_PKB - 0
            2_Inny - 1
            Arkusz1 - 2
            Arkusz2 - 3
            Arkusz3 - 4
            Rys_4_2_1 - 0

    Any ideas what to do? Is my seperated providing of the xls filename ok?

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