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Two plugins: Time Ago, Youku EE

September 07, 2010 8:37am

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  • #16 / Aug 30, 2012 3:22am


    1 posts


    Note sure if anyone else is experiencing this, but when testing comments on my site with Time ago installed I keep getting the following error”

    A PHP Error was encountered
    Severity: Notice
    Message: Undefined offset: 7
    Filename: time_ago/pi.time_ago.php
    Line Number: 68

    each time that I submit the comment. If I refresh the comment is there, and its registered ok, just not sure why its throwing this error up?

    That offset error is happening because one of the variables ($period_count) goes null after periodic refreshes. You’ll notice that you’ll get a “0 ago” when this happens. To fix it, open up the pi.time_ago.php file and find the following code:

    // Find the time period unit name
      $period_unit = ($period_count > 1)?($periods[$i]['unit']."s"):($periods[$i]['unit']);
      return($period_count." ".$this->EE->lang->line($period_unit)." ".$this->EE->lang->line('ago'));

    This should be lines 67-70 (make sure you don’t delete any opening/closing brackets when doing this). Replace the code with:

    if ($period_count >= 1)
      // Find the time period unit name
      $period_unit = ($period_count > 1)?($periods[$i]['unit']."s"):($periods[$i]['unit']);
      return($period_count." ".$this->EE->lang->line($period_unit)." ".$this->EE->lang->line('ago'));
      return('Just a moment ago.');

    That should do the trick. Here’s the whole file with the bandaid fix. Someone may find a more elegant solution, but this is working for me pretty well. Good luck!

    if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');
    $plugin_info = array(
          'pi_name'        => 'Time Ago',
          'pi_version'     => '0.3',
          'pi_author'      => 'Milan Topalov',
          'pi_description' => 'Takes timestamp and returns time passed since as 1 minute ago, 2 hours ago, etc',
          'pi_usage'       => Time_ago::usage()
    class Time_ago
     var $return_data = "";
     function Time_ago()
      $this->EE =& get_instance();
      // Load custom language file
      // Get timestamps
      $timestamp = $this->EE->TMPL->tagdata;
      $timestamp_now = time();
      // Get revert to date format
      $revert_to_date_format = $this->EE->TMPL->fetch_param('revert_to_date_format');
      // If revert to date format set, revert to date if period more then 7 days
      if ($revert_to_date_format && (($timestamp_now - $timestamp) > (60 * 60 * 24 * 7)))
       $this->return_data = $this->EE->localize->decode_date($revert_to_date_format, $timestamp);
      // Otherwise return time ago format
       $this->return_data = $this->time_ago_in_words($timestamp, $timestamp_now);
     private function time_ago_in_words($timestamp, $timestamp_now)
      // Time period definitions (length is in seconds)
      $periods[] = array('unit' => 'year',  'length' => (60 * 60 * 24 * 365));
      $periods[] = array('unit' => 'month',  'length' => (60 * 60 * 24 * 30));
      $periods[] = array('unit' => 'week',  'length' => (60 * 60 * 24 * 7));
      $periods[] = array('unit' => 'day',  'length' => (60 * 60 * 24));
      $periods[] = array('unit' => 'hour', 'length' => (60 * 60));
      $periods[] = array('unit' => 'minute', 'length' => (60));
      $periods[] = array('unit' => 'second', 'length' => (1));
      $time_difference = $timestamp_now - $timestamp;
      // Find the relevant time period unit (e.g. an hour) & calcualte the period count (e.g. number of hours)
      for($i = 0; $i < count($periods);  $i++)
       $period_count = $time_difference / $periods[$i]['length'];
       if ($period_count >= 1)
        $period_count = round($period_count);
       if ($period_count >= 1)
      // Find the time period unit name
      $period_unit = ($period_count > 1)?($periods[$i]['unit']."s"):($periods[$i]['unit']);
      return($period_count." ".$this->EE->lang->line($period_unit)." ".$this->EE->lang->line('ago'));
      return('Just a moment ago.');
     function usage()
    {exp:time_ago revert_to_date_format="%d %F %Y"}{entry_date}{/exp:time_ago}
      $buffer = ob_get_contents();
      return $buffer;
  • #17 / Jan 20, 2014 4:01am


    1 posts

    Thanks for the TimeAgo plugin. I would like to switch the localization on the fly, for example I want to pass a language variable via an attribute

    {exp:time_ago revert_to_date_format="%d %F %Y" language="spanish"}{entry_date}{/exp:time_ago}

    and have the plugin load the appropriate localization file. Could you point me in the right direction to modify your plugin for this task? thanks.

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