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CodeIgniter vs. CakePHP

April 16, 2010 1:01am

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  • #1 / Apr 16, 2010 1:01am

    HavenX's avatar


    1 posts

    How they differ from each other?
    Which one is simple to use?

  • #2 / Apr 16, 2010 5:43am


    436 posts

    Have you tried searching the forums or Google? In these forums alone there are a gezillion topics on framework comparissons. And if you search Google you’ll find many more.

  • #3 / Apr 16, 2010 6:40am


    9 posts

    IMHO CodeIgniter is a lot more simple than CakePHP. I tried to learn CakePHP 2 or 3 times and failed. With CodeIgniter it just took me a day to understood how it works.

  • #4 / Apr 16, 2010 6:48am

    allancaps's avatar


    17 posts

    hi, forgive me for having posted this question here… i know there are correct discussion boards to post this, but I’m kinda hoping someone can answer this at the soonest time possible (as the latest post in the related board was way back january)... okay, here’s my question:

    how do you use unlink?  I have this code:

    function deleteAttachment($id,$filename)
      $this->db->where('id', $id);

    basically everythings going great, i can delete from the db (mySQL), but can’t seem to delete the files in CI’s uploads folder. Any part of the unlink code I might have missed? thanks in advance! (again sorry for having posted on the wrong discussion board…)

  • #5 / Apr 16, 2010 7:48am

    allancaps's avatar


    17 posts

    here’s the absolute path… http://localhost/uploads/forum/test_upload_2.txt
    I’ve even included the file_helper in the autoload function. and yes, there is complete access—rw to the folder… 😊) I’m kinda stuck here… thanks for the help… 😊

  • #6 / Apr 16, 2010 12:38pm


    436 posts


    That’s not really what this topic is about. You should find either a topic with a directly related problem or start your own. Hijacking some elses topic should get you nothing but irritated forum users. “Stay on topic” is always the way to go.

    To your problem (which I shouldn’t answer because that’s kinda awarding bad behavior): unlink should either get a path relative to your index.php or an absolute path. So if your uploads directory is in the same dir as the index.php it might be unlink(’./uploads/forum/’.$filename); (mind the slash after the dot unless the dot is in the foldername), or if it’s in the application folder you could use the APPPATH constant: unlink(APPPATH.‘uploads/forum/’.$filename);

    And an absolute path never ever starts with “http://”, an absolute path is the path within the filesystem. You can only use unlink() and other filesystem functions using filesystem paths, never a path that goes through http.

  • #7 / Apr 16, 2010 7:28pm

    VernonK's avatar


    9 posts

    @HavenX - From my experience I will choose CodeIgniter over Cake PHP any day.  CodeIgniter is more open to development IMO.  By that, I mean that it gives you a structure (framework) but doesn’t require you to do things in a strict way.  This way you can begin developing with an MVC approach and really get into it.  I think that’s the best way to learn.  IMO CodeIgniter does that better than any other framework.

  • #8 / Apr 17, 2010 2:21pm

    HavenX's avatar


    1 posts

    I’ve google a little google a little and found that both the two have similar aproaches on some level and that CI is like what you see is what you get. Compare to CakePHP which use automatic aproach no need to see what going on it’s quicker. But i think it boils down to what suits your needs best if you want to see how the proccess is done and want to learn more i think CI is better but if your just a guy that don’t know much about coding i think cakephp is better as well…at least that what i’ve understand :cheese:

  • #9 / Apr 22, 2010 4:51pm

    egunay's avatar


    27 posts


    I’m completely new to using frameworks etc. so I’m not going to speak technically instead as far as I’ve seen after checking out “CakePHP” & “CodeIgniter”, CodeIgniter let’s you start doing things right after the installation. So in my opinion CodeIgniter is easier to learn thanks to well prepared tutorials etc.

    Ofcourse as I’m not a professional coder I can’t say which one is the best technically but if you are new to frameworks CodeIgniter is a good choice to start.

  • #10 / Apr 22, 2010 7:44pm


    34 posts

    Its like You can bake PHP cake using Code Igniter

  • #11 / Jan 20, 2011 6:32am


    4 posts

    I recomend you Codelobster PHP Edition.
    It’s most powerful among free code editors.
    Some advantages of this editor are: intellectual autocomplete, FTP,
    folding code, navigation with Ctrl for all links and descriptions and
    incremental searching
    Important feature of this editor is presence of special plugins for
    Drupal CMS, Joomla CMS, Smarty template engine, JQuery library, CodeIgniter framework,
    CakePHP framework, Facebook social network and WordPress blogging platform.

    Also i want to pay your attention to the option Portable

  • #12 / Jan 23, 2011 12:57pm

    BrianJM's avatar


    32 posts

    With CI I was up and developing and application within hours (granted I already have years of development experience). Video tutorials are abundant, and they really help you get comfortable quickly. The CI documentation is superb.

    I choose CI over CakePHP for most of the reasons outlined on the home page.

  • #13 / Jan 23, 2011 2:50pm


    1 posts

    I’m a newbie to CI and I’ve seen it is based on PHP4.
    I’ve also read that the current version of CakePHP supports PHP5.
    Shouldn’t this aspect been taken into account when comparing the two frameworks?
    And if it is taken into account wouldn’t it mean that CakePHP is better than CI?

  • #14 / Jan 24, 2011 12:26am

    Vheissu's avatar


    278 posts

    I’m a newbie to CI and I’ve seen it is based on PHP4.
    I’ve also read that the current version of CakePHP supports PHP5.
    Shouldn’t this aspect been taken into account when comparing the two frameworks?
    And if it is taken into account wouldn’t it mean that CakePHP is better than CI?

    CI dropped PHP4 support a while ago. The only difference between CI and Cake is that Cake is way more complicated in comparison to CI which is super simple and powerful.

  • #15 / Jan 27, 2011 11:41am

    wahyu24's avatar


    7 posts

    IMHO CodeIgniter is a lot more simple than CakePHP. I tried to learn CakePHP 2 or 3 times and failed. With CodeIgniter it just took me a day to understood how it works.

    i aggre with you coz codeigniter very simple and very easy find documentation

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