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ExpressionEngine 2.0 Sneak Preview

March 13, 2008 2:54pm

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  • #1 / Mar 13, 2008 2:54pm

    Rick Ellis's avatar

    Rick Ellis

    107 posts

    At SXSW in Austin last week (March 8th) we revealed details about ExpressionEngine 2.0, our exciting upcoming new version.  For those of you who were not able to attend, we have created a page that shows a screencast of the new control panel, and describes some of the changes taking place:

    ExpressionEngine 2.0 Sneak Preview

    We hope you are as excited about the changes as we are!

  • #2 / Mar 13, 2008 3:17pm

    ignite's avatar


    149 posts

    Thanks for the preview!

    Edit: Oh and thanks for answering some questions. Bring on Summer 2008!

  • #3 / Mar 13, 2008 3:30pm


    122 posts

    Enjoyed the preview, thanks for sharing it with us non-SXSW attendees 😊

  • #4 / Mar 13, 2008 3:33pm

    mWall's avatar


    126 posts

    Looks great. Bring it on, EllisLab!


  • #5 / Mar 13, 2008 3:37pm


    107 posts

    Wow! Sexy!

    Can’t wait.

    The publish page improvements look awesome.

  • #6 / Mar 13, 2008 3:38pm

    melissajc's avatar


    88 posts

    very very very nice!  Can’t wait!  Thanks so much for sharing this with us.

  • #7 / Mar 13, 2008 3:39pm

    Suraj Timalsina

    32 posts

    Looks clean and sexy. Can’t wait to try it myself.

  • #8 / Mar 13, 2008 3:41pm

    Ingmar's avatar


    29245 posts

    I am in love with Acessories already.

  • #9 / Mar 13, 2008 3:50pm

    Mark Bowen's avatar

    Mark Bowen

    12637 posts

    Off to have a look right now. Even though I am not the biggest fan of the control panel theme my hat is most definitely off to the whole team as you create absolutely the best web software by far.

    Congratulations on what I’m sure will be another outstanding success. 😊

    Best wishes,


  • #10 / Mar 13, 2008 3:51pm

    Leslie Camacho's avatar

    Leslie Camacho

    1340 posts

    Rick my friend, what software did you use for the screencast? (that highlighting thingie is sexy)

    Its a combo of ScreenFlow and Mousepose.

  • #11 / Mar 13, 2008 3:53pm

    leeaston's avatar


    634 posts

    Nice. Terminology like Publish to field is tech speak, be nice if you could come up with something more easily understood by users. I also notice the icon used to get the full screen editing has no label next to it, I suggest dropping the icon and having a link saying something like full screen editing - keep it simple.

  • #12 / Mar 13, 2008 4:18pm

    Mark Bowen's avatar

    Mark Bowen

    12637 posts

    Hmm just watched the video. Very good. I suppose that answers the question now as to when it will be out 😉

    With the control panel I think the only thing I don’t like is the colours. The actual layout is pretty visually appealing although I must say when the sidebar first disappeared I thought that the video was having dropped frames or something as I expected to see it roll out to the right hand side and not instead go upwards. Just a small thing though.

    The accessories do look good but the header text for the Specific Page? I think might need to be a multi-select as per the permissions for the accessory, no?
    There will probably be accessories that you would want on more than just one specific page?

    Another thing that I found a little confusing from a usability point is that when you clicked on the content button after showing the dynamic filtering the menu bar at the top changed but no page change happened so you were still on the members table. I myself found that a little confusing and I consider myself to be a very mature (not in an age sense though 😊 ) user of computers and menu systems and so in my head I was expecting the page to change to something. What that something would be I don’t really know though. I’m sure when the final version is out though I am going to love it.

    Going between the Templates, Message pages and Themes was a little weird too. I know this effect is used on loads of sites nowadays but I would prefer to see the wide green box under those three buttons just fade into the next choice instead of folding up each time and then folding down again. Kind of reminds me of when Flash first came out and everyone was doing that kind of thing. Don’t know if it’s possible though with the Javascript you are using though.

    Having said all of what I have said before I did like the Publish page a lot, probably because those three big areas on the main admin panel weren’t staring me in the face anymore 😉

    “Did you see it slide out of the way? Mmmmmm”

    At this point I thought Rick was going to turn into Homer Simpson!! 😊 Very very nice feature though. Great work guys!!

    All looks really interesting. Really well done to the Development team who must have had many sleepless nights on this one!

    Best wishes,


    P.S. Just noticed Zoltar - is that Zoltar from Battle of The Planets or the carnival game in Big the Tom Hanks film? 😉

  • #13 / Mar 13, 2008 4:32pm

    Liam Crean's avatar

    Liam Crean

    121 posts

    Jolly nice that. So will it cost more? 😊

  • #14 / Mar 13, 2008 4:33pm

    Ingmar's avatar


    29245 posts

    No word on that yet.

  • #15 / Mar 13, 2008 4:40pm

    ignite's avatar


    149 posts

    @Liam: Read the FAQ on the preview page. They address that.

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