Bug #21916 Clarification Requested

Default Theme home page:  Warning Cannot modify header information

Version: 3.3.3 Reporter: seeingis

This is an archived bug report. If you are experiencing a similar issue, upgrade to the latest release and if that does not solve the problem, submit a new bug report

I get an error message “Cannot modify header information - headers already sent ...” With the default install. If, I remove the exp:file:entries for the slider the error goes away. But no slider.  This happened in 2.3.2 and 3.3.3


{!-- page vars (prefix p_) --}
{!-- channel vars (prefix ch_) --}

<section class="row content home pad">
 <section class="w-16">
  <figure class="cycle-slideshow"
   {!-- slideshow images from a specific directory, and category --}
   {exp:file:entries directory_id='8' dynamic='no' limit='5' disable='pagination' category='not 25'}
    {if count == 1}
     <div class="slide-ctrls">
      <a href="#class=prev-slide"></a>
      <a href="#class=next-slide"></a>
  <h1>Recent Blog Posts <a href="http://{path=%27{p_url}%27}%22class=%22btn" class="btn all">All Posts</a></h1>

{layout:set name='scripts'}{/layout:set}

 <section class="w-8">
  <div class="entries">
   {exp:channel:entries channel='{ch}' disable='{ch_disable}' limit='4'}
    {!-- listing as a snippet, as it's used through more than one template --}
    {!-- no results --}
    {if no_results}
     <div class="alert warn no-results">
 <section class="w-8">
  <div class="entries">
   {!-- using the offset='' parameter here to start the listing on the 5th item. which allows us to split it into two columns without any wonky math --}
   {exp:channel:entries channel='{ch}' disable='{ch_disable}' limit='4' offset='4'}
    {!-- listing as a snippet, as it's used through more than one template --}
    {!-- no results --}
    {if no_results}
     <div class="alert warn no-results">
  • Try replacing system/ee/EllisLab/Addons/file/mod.file.php with the file in this zip.

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