Bug #11848 See Comments

variable data in Twitter Timeline username and password

Version: EE 2.0.1PB 20100215 Reporter: adlur

This is an archived bug report. If you are experiencing a similar issue, upgrade to the latest release and if that does not solve the problem, submit a new bug report

I wanted to introduce variable data in the form of a text input custom field as the username and password for Twitter Timeline, every effort resulted in the same error returned when the username and/or password is incorrect or unset (with type set to user).

as a call to a text input custom field-

{exp:twitter_timeline type="user" user="{exp:channel:entries channel="site-wide_ch" disable="categories|member_data" limit="1"}{twitter-username}{/exp:channel:entries}" password="{exp:channel:entries channel="site-wide_ch" disable="categories|member_data" limit="1"}{twitter-password}{/exp:channel:entries}" limit="3"}

a snippet (containing the channel entries tag)-

{exp:twitter_timeline type="user" user="{twitter_username}" password="{twitter_password}" limit="3"}

a php variable set to the snippet’s value-

$tuser = {twitter_username};
$tpass = {twitter_password};
{exp:twitter_timeline type="user" user="<?php echo $tuser; ?>" password="<?php echo $tpass; ?>" limit="3"}

a php variable set to a string-

$tuser = "username";
$tpass = "password";
{exp:twitter_timeline type="user" user="<?php echo $tuser; ?>" password="<?php echo $tpass; ?>" limit="3"}

Produces the following error (twice)-
Severity: Warning
Message: Invalid argument supplied for foreach()
Filename: twitter_timeline/pi.twitter_timeline.php
Line Number: 299

posted in tech support forum: http://ellislab.com/forums/viewthread/149536/

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