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CodeExtinguisher 2.0 Release Candidate 14.2

May 19, 2008 12:31am

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  • #1 / May 19, 2008 12:31am

    Majd Taby's avatar

    Majd Taby

    637 posts


    I have fixed the link, you can now download codex again.

    NOTE: CodeExtinguisher development has been stalled for a very long time. People are still using CodeExtinguisher and are actively downloading it. However, due to my employment, interest, and time, I will not be able to continue working on CodeExtinguisher. I may release a new CMS in the future, but it will not be related to the current state of CodeExtinguisher.

  • #2 / May 19, 2008 3:14am

    abmcr's avatar


    254 posts

    Very beatyful… and the grid in jquery is a very best idea….
    I find a bug in this page
    the calendar not appears correct… 😉

    A question: i want hook the delete instruction of a record, for managing the related data. At the page, i have read the doc: it is necessary to use the preDeleteHook($table,$id)  function, in each plugin? I think no, i want get the id of deleted record, for searching the related data into the related tables and delete them…..
    Thank you…

  • #3 / May 19, 2008 11:36am


    47 posts

    which version of ci is required?
    i’m getting the following error:

    Fatal error: Call to undefined method CI_DB_mssql_ext_driver::get_where() in C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\sim\codex\application\libraries\codexforms.php on line 97
  • #4 / May 19, 2008 11:39am


    42 posts

    Hey jTaby, great work.

    A few UI observations (for Clean Blue):
    a) on FF Mac, the ‘magnifying glass’ search-button gets wrapped to a second line
    b) when you click on a table column-header (to sort), sort arrows are right-aligned, while the column-header text is left-aligned. This can easily create the misconception that the arrows belong to the next column to the right. I personally prefer the bg-color-column-header technique used in the ‘default’ theme (I guess it needs a new name, doesn’t it?), even though it doesn’t imply direction (ASC vs DESC). I think a big part of web 2.0 UI design is dropping gazillion-option-fine-grained-control interfaces in favor of fewer, simpler choices.
    c) so in a similar spirit, I think the pagination-editable-field (“1/1”) will give a few expert-users a tiny bit of power at the cost of seeming very unfamiliar to the majority of users. Also, as a lesser issue, the pagination arrow buttons do not inuitively ‘feel’ disabled to me (I think the color is not subdued enough). Hard to say without having a multipage example, but…

    Anyhow, seems to be coming along nicely.

    Also, I’m guessing you know this already, but the related-example widget does not survive form validation - if I add a few selections from the left box to the right one, but skip some other required field and try to submit, when I am re-presented the form with the error/validation message the previous selections have been lost from the right-side of the related example widget.

    Good luck!

  • #5 / May 19, 2008 12:04pm


    47 posts

    i think there’s a misinterpretation of the APPPATH purpose.
    see index.php:

    | EXT        - The file extension.  Typically ".php"
    | FCPATH    - The full server path to THIS file
    | SELF        - The name of THIS file (typically "index.php)
    | BASEPATH    - The full server path to the "system" folder
    | APPPATH    - The [b]full server path[/b] to the "application" folder

    it’s supposed to be the full server path. however, on line #30 of login.php (at least) it’s used as if it were a relative path:


    for some configurations it may work, but not for me. look at my login page stylesheet link:

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css">

    are you planning to solve this?


    codex_search_form.php lines 37 and 82 have the same problem.

  • #6 / May 19, 2008 1:24pm

    Majd Taby's avatar

    Majd Taby

    637 posts

    abmcr, The prepForDelete function is optional, to get the id of the record being deleted, then you can use $this->codexadmin->active_id

    gusa, are you using CI 1.5.4? If so, just do a search for get_where and change it to getwhere…i’ll fix this with the next release

    andjules, all your points are valid and will be fixed in the next release (thanks)

    gusa, thanks, will fix

  • #7 / May 19, 2008 2:50pm

    irvin's avatar


    4 posts

    I have one problem with encoding… When I’m defining my own link names in codex.php file (I’m from Poland, so we have some special chars like: ąćęłńóśżź) there’s a wired problem and i see �. Well, file encoding is utf-8, page encoding is utf-8, and anywhere else everything works great.

    Any ideas?

    And by the way - great job! I love CE ;]

  • #8 / May 19, 2008 3:08pm

    Skinnpenal's avatar


    27 posts

    looks very nice 😊

    I have a problem with my installation. When viewing f.ex. the Related Example, I only get “No input file specified.”. Any ideas what’s causing it?

    This only affects url’s with query strings:


    While url’s like this works fine:


    EDIT 2
    Seems to be the slash that does it. Removing it so that this:




    Fixes the issue. Is this some bug in the code or a server configuration issue? (I’m on DreamHost)

  • #9 / May 19, 2008 4:48pm


    47 posts

    abmcr, The prepForDelete function is optional, to get the id of the record being deleted, then you can use $this->codexadmin->active_id

    gusa, are you using CI 1.5.4? If so, just do a search for get_where and change it to getwhere…i’ll fix this with the next release

    andjules, all your points are valid and will be fixed in the next release (thanks)

    gusa, thanks, will fix

    thank you very much! 😊

    i’ve changed mannualy all references to APPPATH (only the ones supposed to be inserted into an URL) to a relative path (‘codex/application’).

    i’ve also changed get_where to getwhere and the app is working. all these stuff it’s very promising :cheese:

    one thing more: is there any way that i can configure which table should be shown in the left column?

    thanks, again!

  • #10 / May 19, 2008 10:05pm

    Majd Taby's avatar

    Majd Taby

    637 posts

    irvin, are you referring to the navigation?

    Skinnpenal, i’ll look into it. could you give me some more info regarding your setup?

    gusa, well all tables from the database are shown. If you want to exclude a table, then add it to codex_exclude_tables in config/codex.php. The way I fixed the get_where issue is by writing my own get_where function in codexmodel and updating the libraries to use it. the function in codexmodel then either calls get_where or getwhere depending on the system’s version. as far as the APPPATH issue, I can’t just use codex/application because people sometime put their codex application in non-root directories.

  • #11 / May 20, 2008 4:02am

    irvin's avatar


    4 posts

    Yes - in RC 12 it was an top navigation menu, in the new one it’s the left menu.

    Oh, and BTW Clean Blue doesn’t contains encoding information in page head (or there is something that i can’t see).

  • #12 / May 20, 2008 4:32am


    43 posts

    I’m afraid form search field is not working… so if this is something that has been answered many times, I appologize, I can’t find manually.

    So far I have used Codex for a CRUD admin system for a website, and it works beautifully!

    But, now I am faced with making a similar system which needs an auth system (self-registration for users, blah blah…) so I was looking at some of the auth libraries. I have settled on redux_auth, however I need some advice first. I am really not sure how to go about using Codex with a CI library like this. Can someone point me to some reading material on this subject, or send me to an example of such a thing? Is there some special stuff that I have to do to call CI libs and controllers from a codex instalation?
    See, what confuses me (as a total newbie, both to CI, and to MVC in general - go ahead, mock me…I deserve it :D ) is that codex seems so separate from CI, in that it lives in its own system directory, next door to CI, rather than being roomies with it like the other libs and apps I have seen.

    Again, I’m sorry if this stuff has been answered a thousand times, forum search seems to be broken or something…

    Thank you for developing such an inspiring piece of code :D

  • #13 / May 20, 2008 11:02am

    abmcr's avatar


    254 posts

    I find a bug in this page
    the calendar not appears correct… 😉

    The css is not loaded corretly because the function in the codextemplate.php is

    function css ($identifier, $file,$force=false){ 
            if($force OR !in_array($identifier,$this->loaded_objects['css']))
                $this->loaded_objects['css'][$identifier] = '<link rel="stylesheet" href="'.$file.'" type="text/css">'."\n";

    and not insert the correct pah to js
    it is a bug or it is need to manage the css template? In both case, i have created (!) a new function

    function css_from_assets ($identifier, $file,$force=false){ 
                $this->loaded_objects['css'][$identifier] = '<link rel="stylesheet" href="'.$this->asset_folder.'css/'.$file.'" type="text/css">'."\n";

    and modified into the plugin of the date the



  • #14 / May 20, 2008 12:12pm

    Majd Taby's avatar

    Majd Taby

    637 posts

    irvin, you’re right, i’ll fix it

    unsub, CodeExtinguisher is no different than the application folder inside your system folder. If you notice in your index.php file, you define the path to the applications folder. As far as including a different auth library with codex, simply replace the methods in codexlogin.php with ones that route to your own library, and you might need to change the login controller as well, but that should be it. (oh and the hook too)

    abmcr, thanks for the fix, i’ll include it

  • #15 / May 20, 2008 12:36pm


    47 posts

    gusa, well all tables from the database are shown. If you want to exclude a table, then add it to codex_exclude_tables in config/codex.php. The way I fixed the get_where issue is by writing my own get_where function in codexmodel and updating the libraries to use it. the function in codexmodel then either calls get_where or getwhere depending on the system’s version. as far as the APPPATH issue, I can’t just use codex/application because people sometime put their codex application in non-root directories.

    ok, i understand. but i think it would be preferable to put ‘codex/application’ in another constant, because APPPATH is supposed to contain the full server path to the “application” folder.

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