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Rabbit Forms Beta 1.0.5

March 17, 2008 3:02pm

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  • #1 / Mar 17, 2008 3:02pm

    Wilker's avatar


    53 posts

    Video demo is released!!

    Hi all, I working for a week in one form automated generation library (CRUD operations) called Rabbit Form that plugs into Code Igniter structure.

    The code is in Beta 1.0.5 and open for tests, the project is located at or (actually only redirects to google project page) and you can found the reference at wiki pages.

    Please read the overview, and if you like, try it, and them, please comment 😊



    Rabbit Forms is a CRUD (Create Retrieve Update Delete) automate library. If you see, more than 80% of a system development is based on CRUD operations, Rabbit Forms is made to high speed up these process by providing a good and extensive library providing assets to this work. In a normal scenario you make a CRUD operation like this:

      1. Create a form to create instances
      2. Validate submitted data
      3. Create a form to edit instances
      4. Validate submitted data
      5. Create a view to display registered instances
      6. Create actions to delete instances

    And this operations take a long development time, to supply this needs Rabbit Forms work in another way:

      1. Create configuration file
      2. Create template
      3. Use this

    With Rabbit Forms, the creation of a complex form configuration file take near to 10 minutes, the template creation varies depending how custom you need (usually about 5 and 20 minutes) and the use will spend about 5 minutes.

    Rabbit Forms is made to be integrated into your site and not to be external of this, read about template above to more information

    The Rabbit Forms configuration files contains all you need to your form, like:

      * table that will be used
      * primary key field of table
      * fields
      * validations
      * retrieve options

    The fields of Rabbit Forms can vary between simple fields (like text boxes) and most complex fields (like fields that retrieve data from another table, fields that use javascript and ajax codes and more), and the use of all is made in a simple way, and more, the fields is easily extensible, if the field you need is not exists, you can create this field easily.

    The validations follow the same base of fields, the validations can be simple or complex and are extensible.

    Another great feature of Rabbit Forms is the template customization, Rabbit Forms spend some enforces to make templates is most customizable as possible. Rabbit Forms is made to be integrated in your website, and with template customizing you able to use Rabbit Forms in your page maintaining your site apparency.

    Rabbit Forms provide too a customizable way to retrieve data, this way the listing of data into database turns in a simple operation.

    And if you had patience to read text so far you have to be exited and wanting to try these. Read documents at wiki to know how to use this library. Thanks for your attention.


    Last Updates:

      * New: Html editor (using TinyMCE)
      * New: File Validator
      * New: Unique Validator
      * Change: Image field auto-add image extensions valitador
      * Change: by default the textfield and textarea doesn’t accept html (using htmlentities to reject)
      * Fix: retrieve name at foreign retrieveView
      * Fix: unique validator when editing current row

    See complete changelog at

    Next Updates:

      * Update wiki documentation

    next updates is scheduled to no previsions at this time…

    Your feedback is important to the project, please post any suggestions, critics and bugs.

  • #2 / Mar 17, 2008 3:15pm

    This is a nice initiative, I will take a look at it.
    Only one thing: You should really change the name of your application otherwise you’ll make people eat ignited carrots…

  • #3 / Mar 17, 2008 3:54pm

    TheLoops's avatar


    61 posts

    I for one really like the name.

    “Rabbit Forms” is homophonous to “Rapid Forms” and is a pretty good name for what it does.
    But while “Rapid Forms” is quite fanciless “Rabbit Forms” really is unique fancy, imho.
    There even is an option for a mascot 😛

    Ps: It even made me register eventually. Having been a silent guest for quite some weeks now. 😉

  • #4 / Mar 17, 2008 4:15pm

    I was kidding of course about the name, the application is more important than the name

  • #5 / Mar 17, 2008 6:25pm


    18 posts

    Seems very cool, but is PHP5 only.. :(

  • #6 / Mar 17, 2008 6:28pm

    Wilker's avatar


    53 posts

    Hi all,

    the version has one little but relevant update… after made a spell check i noted i wrote all “retrieve” as “retrive” (yes, one letter “e” of error), but to don’t keep this error i refactor all code when the word is wrong wrote and correct this.

    Remember, if anyone has downloaded previous version please reinstall, all methods and configuration that used “retrive” is previous version has changed to “retrieve”.

    Sorry for inconvenience, but is this why it is a beta =P

  • #7 / Mar 17, 2008 6:36pm

    Wilker's avatar


    53 posts

    Yes Pedro, is PHP 5 only. It’s because I believe the PHP 4 is near to over… And PHP 5 provide more solid OOP structure to support library extension.

    Any questions please post here 😊

  • #8 / Mar 18, 2008 2:09am

    Wilker's avatar


    53 posts

    Rabbit Forms updated, check end of main post for details

  • #9 / Mar 18, 2008 11:17am

    Gjoko Pargo's avatar

    Gjoko Pargo

    19 posts

    This is a great contribution. What effort would it take to integrate Rabbit Forms with HMVC in your opinion? Would they be able to work together ?

  • #10 / Mar 18, 2008 1:12pm

    Wilker's avatar


    53 posts

    Yes, they able to work together 😊

    Rabbit Forms CI integration is basic, and do not forces self directory patterns, this ables uses with HMVC together without any problems 😊

  • #11 / Mar 18, 2008 2:32pm


    18 posts

    Thanks for the update.

    Can’t wait for the *relational* ..

    side note: I’m onboard now (php5 is running on my server!)

  • #12 / Mar 20, 2008 1:54am

    Wilker's avatar


    53 posts

    Hi, relational fields is added, the name of field is “Foreign Field” and supports one to many and many to many relations.

    This time the foreign fields does not support inline field register, because it’s a too much complex feature and will require some structure changes into many parts of library, because of this, this featured will be added only in later versions.

    The documentation of foreign field is under development and will be released later today. Sorry for the late.

  • #13 / Mar 20, 2008 2:21am

    Wilker's avatar


    53 posts

    another information, I registered the domain and now is redirecting to google code project page, but a website for library will be developed in future 😊

  • #14 / Mar 20, 2008 9:00am


    18 posts

    Thanks for the update. Nice work! 😉

  • #15 / Mar 20, 2008 9:49am

    Jauhari's avatar


    26 posts

    It’s sound great, can anybody give me. Online Sample?

    Because I try to download and install and when I check in my applications/config there are only one file rabbit-forms.php.

    Where are the others files? because after I test it I got this message

    The configuration file config.php does not exist.

    Please tell me and thanks

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