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The file could not be written to disk.

December 20, 2010 9:25pm

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  • #1 / Dec 20, 2010 9:25pm


    39 posts

    Version 2.1.2 Build 20101215 + MSM
    I created a new folder, set all permissions, but I can not upload pdf files. I can upload zip, swf, images, but not pdf. What I miss?

    By the way “You did not select a file to upload.” is still active, so it’s impossible to upload 2 images at once, you have to reopen File Manager again.


  • #2 / Dec 21, 2010 2:50pm

    Sue Crocker's avatar

    Sue Crocker

    26054 posts

    Hi, Houdini. EE 2.1.3 was released yesterday. I’d recommend updating to it.

    How big are the pdf files? Are you sure you have enough space on your server for the pdf file? Can you upload a pdf file to one of the other file folders? Also make sure that particular folder is set for all files, not just images.

    By the way “You did not select a file to upload.” is still active, so it’s impossible to upload 2 images at once, you have to reopen File Manager again.

    Yes, it’s still on the list to be fixed.

    Does that help?

  • #3 / Dec 21, 2010 11:31pm


    39 posts

    Thanks for your reply.
    I updated to 2.1.3
    Pdf file are about 200K (I checked file limit php settings and nginx settings)
    Absolutely sure I have enough space.

    I also can not upload pdf files to other folders and I didn’t miss set permissions.

    By the way I found info that might help you.
    I found that some pdf you can upload (this I can upload:, other pdf no (like this one:

  • #4 / Dec 22, 2010 4:34pm

    Ingmar's avatar


    29245 posts

    “The file could not be written to disk” is a server side error: can we rule out interference by something like mod_security, or perhaps a PHP configuration error? If you can upload certain PDF files but not others this would suggest server interference of some kind. Can you please ask your host about it? There might be some server log files, too, that could be useful in helping us track this issue down.

    Are you attempting all these uploads as a Superadmin?

  • #5 / Dec 23, 2010 11:20am

    Oh My's avatar

    Oh My

    8 posts

    I have the same problem. I can upload some PDF files, but not others (for example, one that I created from a Word document using the print-to-PDF function).

    I get the error message “The file could not be written to disk”.

    I’m running EE 2.1.3 build 20101220, but I’m not sure whether the problem was there before the update.

  • #6 / Dec 23, 2010 11:29am

    Oh My's avatar

    Oh My

    8 posts

    I solved the problem! ...or, it’s kind of a workaround, but nevertheless it works for me.

    In the control panel, go to: Admin / Security and Privacy / Security and Sessions

    Then try setting the “Apply XSS Filtering to uploaded files?” value to “No”.

    Best regards

  • #7 / Dec 23, 2010 1:23pm


    39 posts

    Yep, “Apply XSS Filtering to uploaded files?” value to “No” helped.
    Ingmar Greil could you pls comment this solution?


  • #8 / Dec 27, 2010 11:45am

    Sue Crocker's avatar

    Sue Crocker

    26054 posts

    Houdini - removing XSS security settings can help in those cases when pdf files and others appear to have problems that the XSS settings trap. So turning it off should be OK, as long as you trust your uploaders.

    Does that help?

  • #9 / Dec 30, 2010 5:57am


    25 posts


    I experience the same problem when uploading audio-files (mp3). Turning off the XSS-filter solves the problem.
    Maybe the XSS-Filter is a little bit too strict.

  • #10 / Dec 30, 2010 10:01am

    Sue Crocker's avatar

    Sue Crocker

    26054 posts

    timoteus, is it all .mp3 files, or just some? The workaround is as mentioned to turn off XSS filtering. You could make a Feature Request to see about re-evaluating the level of sanitizing.

  • #11 / Dec 31, 2010 3:44am


    25 posts

    Hi Sue,

    I’ve tried it with a few mp3s and all of them trigger the XSS-Filter. But as long as I can turn off the filter it’s ok for me.

    Furthermore I’m not going to post a feature request. To be honest, I would like to see the the list of Bugs shrinking before posting something to the feature request section. I mean, it makes no sense putting effort into developing new functionality as long as there are so many bugs in the basic functionality.
    So I can only encourage you EL Staff to keep going and really take QA serious, otherwise customers are going to loose confidence in your products!

  • #12 / Jan 01, 2011 10:12am

    Greg Salt's avatar

    Greg Salt

    3988 posts

    Hi timoteus,

    Okay, glad that you’ve got this working and thank you for your feedback. I’ll close this thread now but please post back if you have further questions or problems.



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