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Announcing iExpression, a dedicated ExpressionEngine App for the iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch

July 28, 2010 5:44am

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  • #1 / Jul 28, 2010 5:44am

    We have just released iExpression for the iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch. iExpression does not require any add-ons other than those shipped with every copy of ExpressionEngine and supports all 1.X and 2.X versions.

    iExpression enables posting and post management for multiple sites, but is also the perfect tool for developers to supply to their customers to enable them to easily post to the sites you build for them.

    Supporting image uploads (directly from the camera, or from the image library) iExpression uses a simple user interface to enable you and your customers to get their content up on their sites wherever they are.

    To learn more please visit our site to learn more:


    Follow us on twitter at

    RED When Excited - We are, are you?

  • #2 / Jul 28, 2010 8:42am

    smcgo4's avatar


    36 posts

    No iPad version there.

  • #3 / Jul 28, 2010 10:11am

    Please accept my apologies, I cut out a block of text just before posting, and this info went with it!

    So, in the currently released version it runs on the iPad in compatibility mode. However, the next version (which is currently pending approval at the App store) supports a fully native iPad interface. This next version essentially makes the App Universal (that is, there is no additional charge for new or existing users. Existing users will just get the iPad experience when the update is shipped).

    Note that this should be any day now, the update was submitted as soon as the first version went live and the reviewing process is currently running about a week behind submissions.

  • #4 / Jul 28, 2010 3:18pm


    32 posts


  • #5 / Jul 28, 2010 3:20pm

    You obviously know some powerful people at Apple. The update (1.1) that will
    turn it into a universal iPhone & iPad App has just gone from pending
    review, to under review. It normally takes a day or so from here (although
    this is our first universal application so I guess it’s possible it will
    take longer given there’s two things to check. No hang on, make that
    three… we baked in some iPhone 4 goodness at the same time

  • #6 / Jul 28, 2010 4:32pm

    smcgo4's avatar


    36 posts

    Good to here 😊

  • #7 / Jul 29, 2010 1:34pm


    32 posts

    Looks like the update is out! MUCH prefer the space the iPad gives!

  • #8 / Sep 04, 2011 11:39pm


    2 posts

    This next version essentially makes the App Universal (that is, there is no additional charge for new or existing users. Existing users will just get the experience when the update is shipped).

  • #9 / Sep 04, 2011 11:45pm


    2 posts

    We have just released iExpression for the iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch. iExpression does not require any add-ons other than those shipped with every copy of ExpressionEngine and supports all 1.X and 2.X versions.

    iExpression enables posting and post management for multiple sites, but is also the perfect tool for developers to supply to their customers to enable them to easily post to the sites you build for them.

    Supporting image uploads (directly from the camera, or from the image library) iExpression uses a simple user interface to enable you and your customers to get their content up on their sites wherever they are.

    To learn more please visit our site to learn more:However, the next version (which is currently pending approval at the App store) supports a fully native iPad interface. This next version essentially makes the App Universal (that is, there is no additional charge for new or existing users.

    Follow us on twitter at

    RED When Excited - We are, are you?

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