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Backend Pro for codeigniter 2

January 23, 2012 9:17am

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  • #1 / Jan 23, 2012 9:17am


    10 posts

    I created a new version of backendpro for codeigniter 2.0 i did this by making it php 5 compliant changed the modular extensions library from matchbox to hmvc, created additional classes and created the sessions database table to comply with version 2.0 of codeigniter. The beauty of Backendpro is its use of the nested sets model making it similar to the most popular php ACL Library PHPGACL. I plan to add other features that is why i call it backendmanager you can get it from here

  • #2 / Jan 23, 2012 1:52pm

    Nico Smit

    48 posts

    I’m getting this error on the main page:

    An Error Was Encountered
    Unable to load the requested file: helpers/auth/khacl_helper.php

    With CI 2.1.0


  • #3 / Jan 24, 2012 5:07am


    10 posts

    @ Nico Smith Please read through the installation manual, remember that you need to start with a fresh ci installation

  • #4 / Jan 26, 2012 1:53am

    Nico Smit

    48 posts

    Okey.. did a fresh installation of CI and BackendPro. First, I had to rename application/core/Public_controller.php into Public_Controller.php and the same for Admin_controller.php.

    Now, I’m getting:

    Unable to load the requested file: helpers/auth/khacl_helper.php

    I’m on linux

  • #5 / Jan 26, 2012 4:12am


    10 posts

    Copy all files from each folder to the corresponding CI folder i.e copy all files in application/core into CI’s application/core files don’t forget to copy the modules folder into the CI application folder. Create your database. Point your browser to the installer folder, i.e Run the installer and follow the instructions.

  • #6 / Jan 27, 2012 12:03am


    2 posts

    hello, please forgive my poor english.

    I tested it in my local server with CI 2.1.0, it works perfect.
    and I got problem when I test it in my test server,
    I can only put it in a subdomain, eg:

    first of all, I upload a clean CI, it works fine, and I copy all files
    to corresponding folder and install it, then I couldn’t get the right
    page as I saw in my local server, is there any specifics setting I should do?

    I changed the base_url to

    $config['base_url'] = "";


  • #7 / Jan 27, 2012 8:23am


    10 posts

    Did you copy the already installed local CI TO UR SITE? If that’s the case then
    Make sure that the database is setup properly on your sites server, make sure the installation was done properly.

  • #8 / Jan 27, 2012 9:08am


    2 posts

    hello, thanks for reply so quick.

    I’m sure I uploaded the clean CI to the sever, then BackendPro install was successful too. and I try use chrome, it give me an HTTP error 500, with blank page in firefox and opera. so I think maybe it’s the server’s problem when redirecting subdomain. cause it’s work fine in my local server.

    anyway, I am trying to use ion auth now, and learn to build the backend management by hand, I thought I can learn something from backend pro.

    Thanks again.

  • #9 / Jan 27, 2012 9:27am


    10 posts

    It might be a problem on HMVC but i would work on it again. i would get back to you as soon as i solve this challenge

  • #10 / Feb 15, 2012 12:16pm


    1 posts


    in application/modules/auth/helpers/khacl_helper.php change

    if (!is_object($ci))
            $ci = &get;_instance();


    if (!is_object($ci)){
        $ci = &get;_instance();

    Worked for me 😊

  • #11 / Feb 22, 2012 8:08am


    144 posts

    Thanks for this.
    A couple of notes.
    1. assets/cache directory is needed.
    2. There are four places where validation is used in My_Form_validation.php instead of form_validation.

  • #12 / Feb 26, 2012 11:35pm

    Noobigniter's avatar


    71 posts

    After several editions ... see at bottom


    It’s not working for me.

    - Folder “assets/cache” is missing during installation. (not really a problem)

    After installation process is ok, I get this error on index :
    Fatal error: Class ‘Public_Controller’ not found in application/modules/welcome/controllers/welcome.php on line 25
    EDIT: OK, just rename application/core/Public_controller to Public_Controller

    EDIT 2 : Hum, now i get this error and the reply of @ayanftw is not working for me: Unable to load the requested file: helpers/auth/khacl_helper.php

    Also, in php5, this: function Welcome() do not will it be til like this: function __construct()

    Ok, I finally managed to install and I finally see the login page backendpro.
    To do this, I copied


    Why? I have not watched yet.

  • #13 / Feb 28, 2012 5:09am


    10 posts

    Validation was used in two places in the function valid_captcha that would be worked upon and corrected in the next update to correct the recaptcha module

  • #14 / Mar 05, 2012 8:04am

    shibuyanime's avatar


    3 posts

    I’ve been trying to build a website using backendpro and for some reason i cant extend base_model in any of the models, the only ones that don’t say cannot find class base_model are the models that came with it. any ideas?

  • #15 / Mar 13, 2012 1:51am


    144 posts

    It worked fine in my localhost but did not work in a live server.

    If you have the same problem, then the followings are the fixes.

    In line42 of application/modules/Userlib.php, change auth/Khacl to auth/khacl
    Application/core/Admin_controller.php should be Admin_Controller.php
    Application/core/Public_controller.php should be Public_Controller.php

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