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ExpressionEngine 2.3 and Improved User Guide Released

October 11, 2011 5:01pm

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  • #1 / Oct 11, 2011 5:01pm

    Robin Sowell's avatar

    Robin Sowell

    13224 posts

    We’re pleased to release ExpressionEngine 2.3 today, as promised, along with an improved ExpressionEngine User Guide.  This release includes security fixes, new features and a number of bug fixes.

    Read on to find out more or download now and get started updating!

  • #2 / Oct 11, 2011 5:13pm

    siffring's avatar


    147 posts

    The new documentation looks really nice. But, I noticed community comments have been removed. That was a pretty valuable feature. Are there plans to add it back?

    Another option is to put docs in a Git repo and accept pull requests.

  • #3 / Oct 11, 2011 5:15pm

    Robin Sowell's avatar

    Robin Sowell

    13224 posts

    Definitely.  We just need to do a bit of pruning (a lot of comments were incorporated into the content where appropriate) and in all honesty we wanted the form to be a bit prettier before showing it to the public.

    So yep- user comments very useful and we’ll be bringing them back to the docs.

    Also- thanks!

  • #4 / Oct 11, 2011 5:17pm

    siffring's avatar


    147 posts

    Good to hear. Glad to see a renewed focus on docs! That’s always been a strength of EE over some of the alternatives.

  • #5 / Oct 11, 2011 9:29pm

    Hop Studios's avatar

    Hop Studios

    475 posts

    First of all, congratulations. You are some of the hardest working folks around, that’s for sure!

    I was also quite worried that the user-contributed content was gone, and hope it’ll be returned soon! That was one of the hard parts of the 1.6 - 2.x documentation move, and I rely on some of those code snippets and bits of advice.


  • #6 / Oct 11, 2011 9:49pm

    Derek Jones's avatar

    Derek Jones

    7561 posts

    I was also quite worried that the user-contributed content was gone, and hope it’ll be returned soon!

    Just got them back up, Travis, thanks!

  • #7 / Oct 11, 2011 9:59pm

    Hop Studios's avatar

    Hop Studios

    475 posts

    Wow—I was expecting days or weeks, not 20 minutes. Now I feel bad for griping!


  • #8 / Oct 12, 2011 3:30am


    151 posts

    Thanks and one question!

    Does the customisable pagination give us the ability to create Next / Previous links on single, multipage entries where the anchor text is the title of the next entry?

    So if I have an article split up into 6 pages, I can have a link to the next and previous page actually describing the content?

  • #9 / Oct 12, 2011 6:07am


    116 posts

    I’ve been a bit annoyed by the logout confirmation window ever since EE 2 launched and even made a feature request to get it removed, in the meantime i’ve gotten used to blindly clicking the logout button. Is there any reason why the logout confirmation buttons are switched in 2.3?





  • #10 / Oct 12, 2011 7:56am

    Riverboy's avatar


    2993 posts

    Cool - waiting is over 😊 Thanks.

  • #11 / Oct 12, 2011 8:35am

    Boyink!'s avatar


    5011 posts

    Thanks for the fast turnaround getting comments and top-nav added back in!

    Chrome on Windows has a bit of a formatting issue on the comment form…

  • #12 / Oct 12, 2011 9:05am

    Robin Sowell's avatar

    Robin Sowell

    13224 posts

    @danieljohnbarnes - no, the new additions to pagination only affect the {pagination_links} tag- the bit that outputs 1 2 3 so to speak.  That said, we aren’t done thinking about the feature (we’re batting around some parameters and expanding beyond entries and comments), so feature requests on it are especially welcome.

    I’m not entirely sure how I see multi-entry pagination getting the title for the next page, though.  How would you envision that working in the tags?  (I do think it’s a good idea, just not coming up with a vision of how it might work dynamically.)

    @Benjamin V - thanks for the screen shot.  In truth?  I’ll need to double check on that one.  Odds are good it was done for consistency or SOP, but I’ll ask.

    Also- woot!  It’s a lovely morning!

  • #13 / Oct 12, 2011 9:13am

    Derek Jones's avatar

    Derek Jones

    7561 posts

    Chrome on Windows has a bit of a formatting issue on the comment form…

    I don’t have access to that at the moment, Boyink, can you please post a screen shot?  Thanks!

  • #14 / Oct 12, 2011 11:06am


    151 posts

    @danieljohnbarnes - no, the new additions to pagination only affect the {pagination_links} tag- the bit that outputs 1 2 3 so to speak.  That said, we aren’t done thinking about the feature (we’re batting around some parameters and expanding beyond entries and comments), so feature requests on it are especially welcome.

    I’m not entirely sure how I see multi-entry pagination getting the title for the next page, though.  How would you envision that working in the tags?  (I do think it’s a good idea, just not coming up with a vision of how it might work dynamically.)

    It’s an area that I struggle with when I want to break a story into multiple pages, but I think the approach lies in taking a fresh look at the way a multi_field entry is setup.

    Currently, I do this:

    {paginate}{if {total_pages} > 1}
    Page {current_page} of {total_pages} pages for this article {exp:replace find='P0/'}{pagination_links}{/exp:replace}

    It’s messy because the author is limited to a certain number of fields, you have unused fields on the Edit page when it’s not required to split the article, and because if you use pagination for this, you can’t use it for comments, and I prefer to have paginated comments on the main article page, not a standalone one, and I don’t use DISQUS.

    I’d be interested in seeing how others tackle the issue.

  • #15 / Oct 12, 2011 12:22pm

    Kevin Smith's avatar

    Kevin Smith

    4784 posts

    Thanks for the fast turnaround getting comments and top-nav added back in!

    Chrome on Windows has a bit of a formatting issue on the comment form…

    Same thing happened to me on the first User Guide load after we added comments back in. I think it’s likely just that your browser is serving up the cached CSS file. If you reload the page, everything should look good again.

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