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The Official Live Blog the EE 2.0 Preview Thread

March 08, 2008 10:33am

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  • #1 / Mar 08, 2008 10:33am

    Leslie Camacho's avatar

    Leslie Camacho

    1340 posts

    Morning! We’re going through the final touches of the preview, working out the nerves, and exorcising the stress!

    If you are live blogging (or just plain blogging) the ExpressionEngine 2.0 Preview please post a link to your blog in this thread to make it easy for the community to find. Thanks!

    Post Permalink.

  • #2 / Mar 08, 2008 10:49am


    137 posts

    Not there, but very excited for the opportunity to be there virtually.

    And let’s just go ahead and pick a hashtag for Twitter, too: #ee2p

  • #3 / Mar 08, 2008 10:50am

    Mark Bowen's avatar

    Mark Bowen

    12637 posts

    Yes. Please please please please please someone post some links to live blogs for all us unfortunate souls who couldn’t attend and are trying our best to help out on the forums where we can!! 😉

    Best wishes,


  • #4 / Mar 08, 2008 11:00am

    stinhambo's avatar


    1268 posts

    It is 1am here in Australia. Please post something nice 😊

  • #5 / Mar 08, 2008 11:01am

    Mark Bowen's avatar

    Mark Bowen

    12637 posts

    Just an hour to go now. Wish I was there! :-(

    Hope it all goes well in Austin. All the best to the EE team. I’m sure you will all do a fantastic job even if you just sit there and show screen-shots of whatever it is you have cooking!! 😉

    Best wishes,


  • #6 / Mar 08, 2008 11:26am

    Kuz's avatar


    14 posts

    I wish I was there in Austin too, but I’ve already commissioned a friend of mine who is going to pick me up an EE tshirt, so I can at least pretend that I went.  Will there be an official recap/overview posted on the EE site later today?

  • #7 / Mar 08, 2008 11:31am

    ignite's avatar


    149 posts

    No one is live blogging this?! You’ve got to be kidding me! Dagnabit, us folks who couldn’t go need something, anything. :( Question: Does the preview include CI 2.0? I’m guessing it does but I just want to be sure.

  • #8 / Mar 08, 2008 11:38am

    PXLated's avatar


    1800 posts

    Go find Scoble with his QuikTV cell phone so we can watch a live feed 😊

  • #9 / Mar 08, 2008 11:39am


    93 posts

    There’s this: , but it seems quite dead…

  • #10 / Mar 08, 2008 11:49am

    Dabbledoo's avatar


    172 posts

    A bunch of us are in that Meebo room, but no one who is actually at the preview has stepped in yet.

  • #11 / Mar 08, 2008 11:50am


    93 posts

    Just found this via the discussion @ meebo:

  • #12 / Mar 08, 2008 11:50am

    Robin Sowell's avatar

    Robin Sowell

    13234 posts

    Just logged in on the meebod- hope someone live does.  Kinda nice way to keep up.  Hm- should I be trying to work the forum?


  • #13 / Mar 08, 2008 12:15pm

    Chris Williams's avatar

    Chris Williams

    102 posts

    I’m a two hour drive away and kicking myself for not attending. D’oh!

  • #14 / Mar 08, 2008 1:03pm

    stinhambo's avatar


    1268 posts

    Please post your screenshots here…

  • #15 / Mar 08, 2008 1:06pm

    Mark Bowen's avatar

    Mark Bowen

    12637 posts

    Yes please please please please please!! 😊

    We were all in that Flash chat room and you could literally smell the baited breath from us all!!!

    Please some screen-shots for us dedicated sillies who spent our afternoon refreshing a twitter page!!! 😉

    Best wishes,


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