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Local dev version of EE 1.6.8 very slow

October 06, 2011 9:17am

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  • #1 / Oct 06, 2011 9:17am


    7 posts


    I am new to Expression Engine and am helping out on an Existing EE 1.6.8 install. I would like to run it locally and have been given a MAMP environment to develop on. I have the files and database locally but just viewing the home page takes almost 1 minute to load. I am also not able to log in to (it just hangs).

    Machine is a Macbook Pro running Snow Leopard. Is there anything I can do to speed this up or is there a step I’ve missed?

    The following modules are installed:

    Rss 1.0
    Tag 2.6.6

    The development machine is also behind an http proxy. The PHP logs show that a magpie RSS plugin is trying to pull feeds and is unable to e.g.:

    PHP Warning:  MagpieRSS: Failed to fetch http://<url of feed>&_render=rss. (HTTP Error: connection failed (6) in //plugins/pi.magpie.php on line 1390

  • #2 / Oct 06, 2011 10:44pm

    Marcus Neto's avatar

    Marcus Neto

    1005 posts


    Can you tell me if the Control Panel is also slow?

    And can you turn on Template Debugging?

    admin->system administration->output and debugging and turn template debugging to yes.

    Now go back to the home page and check the load times that are showing up at the bottom of the page. Anything look out of the ordinary?

  • #3 / Oct 07, 2011 5:20am


    7 posts

    I have turned this on but can’t see anything out of the ordinary. I can see that inc/header is loading in the debug info but it is not actually being rendered as if I view source on the homepage, there is no Doctype, body or header tags. No CSS or images are being loaded on either the homepage or the control panel.

  • #4 / Oct 07, 2011 8:38am

    Sue Crocker's avatar

    Sue Crocker

    26054 posts

    Are you going to continue with 1.6.8, or are you going to upgrade to 1.7.1? I’d try a brand new MAMP install of EE 1.7.1 and see if that works for you. It sounds like something got munged up in your 1.6.8 port.

  • #5 / Oct 07, 2011 9:09am


    7 posts

    No - this is not an option at the moment so a fresh install of 1.7.1 doesn’t really help me

  • #6 / Oct 09, 2011 12:17am

    Dan Decker

    7338 posts


    Do you have any conditionals in you header template that might be preventing it from rendering properly? Can you post your template code for us to look at?


  • #7 / Oct 11, 2011 4:47am


    7 posts

    This is the contents of header.php. Is there a way of manually removing the cached templates from the DB without accessing the control panel?

    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
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  • #8 / Oct 11, 2011 11:25am

    Mark Bowen's avatar

    Mark Bowen

    12637 posts

    Hi studio-d,

    Could you let us know if the actual Control Panel is slow on the site or just front-end templates?

    If the control panel is speedy and there is just a problem with the templates then I’d recommend creating a brand new template and literally just place some text into it. Visit that in your browser and see if that is slow.

    Also turn on the Admin > System Preferences > Output and Debugging Preferences > Display Template Debugging?

    When you now visit the template you will get a lot of information at the bottom of the rendered page. There will be a number on the left hand side at the very bottom which will tell you how long the template / page took to render. This should hopefully be quite low.

    If that is the case then I would say that there is definitely something a bit awry with your MAMP install and perhaps you could try re-installing that?

    I’m wondering why you can’t try with a 1.7.1 install as you have nothing to lose with doing this on MAMP. You’re not on a live server so you don’t really have anything to lose by doing this. Is this definitely not a possibility just to rule out problems with MAMP?



  • #9 / Oct 13, 2011 6:43am


    7 posts

    I tried installing a fresh 1.6.8 on MAMP and it would not let me install as it says the root user does not have appropriate privileges. Googling revealed that this may be related to STRICT MODE being enabled but nothing I added to my.cnf would get rid of the error (trying to set sql_mode or sql-mode, also tried running SET @@global.sql_mode=’’ - no change). I therefore tried the 1.6.8 version of our site on another machine without MAMP and have a very similar problem, though the site is much faster. It seems like the front end of the site is not parsing templates or even communicating with the DB. The Control panel is fast and I can see site content but there is no styling, css, images etc. I have deleted all cache content.

    On the front end I just get the raw contents of /main/index.php, including the EE tags. I don’t have access to a copy of 1.7.1

  • #10 / Oct 13, 2011 12:42pm

    Mark Bowen's avatar

    Mark Bowen

    12637 posts

    Hi studio-d,

    To change Safe Mode using MAMP you need to open up MAMP and then edit the php4.ini or php5.ini file in order to alter that setting.

    I’ve used ExpressionEngine with MAMP literally many hundreds of times and never had a problem with this so it looks like this is more of a server environment issue than anything and that’s not really in our scope of support I’m afraid.

    If you try making that change to your .ini file though and see if that helps, hopefully it will.



  • #11 / Oct 13, 2011 12:45pm


    7 posts

    Actually I am talking about mysql strict mode which is obviously not set in php.ini.

  • #12 / Oct 14, 2011 10:53am

    Mark Bowen's avatar

    Mark Bowen

    12637 posts

    Hi studio-d,

    Very sorry for the confusion there I had thought you meant PHP safe_mode.

    Unfortunately offering support for servers and their settings is outside the scope of our support here.

    As mentioned I’ve used MAMP with literally hundreds of sites now and never had the problems you’re having so it looks as though this may well be something to do with your MAMP install.

    Are you able to try re-installing the whole of MAMP again to see if this fixes the issues?

    If not then you would have to contact their support regarding this as the errors / problems you are getting look like they are directly related to MAMP and its settings.



  • #13 / Oct 20, 2011 12:42am


    35 posts

    Installing ExpressionEngine 1.x on any version of MAMP 1.9.5 or later is a known-issue, and causes the following error during the EE installation process:

    Error: Unable to perform the SQL queries needed to install this program.
    Please make sure your MySQL account has the proper GRANT privileges:

    Unfortunately, the error message isn’t indicative of the actual problem, as ‘root@localhost’ has full MySQL privileges.

    The solution is to downgrade to MAMP v1.9.4 (162 MB Download)

    MAMP v1.9.5 (released 2011-03-11) upgraded MySQL from v5.1.44 to v5.5.9, which according to EllisLab is problematic with EE 1.x – all versions of EE 2.x do not have this problem.

  • #14 / Oct 20, 2011 11:28am

    Mark Bowen's avatar

    Mark Bowen

    12637 posts

    Hi studio-d,

    Does the information from Ryan there help at all?

    Thanks for the help and information there Ryan.

    Also moving this post to the Community Help forums.



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