ExpressionEngine 2024 Quarter 1 Review Quarter 1 Review
Hello we have a EE staging server and the images aren’t appearing anymore. I suspect this could be because the domain DNS was moved when the website was rebranded about a year ago. Still, the server is serving the HTML and a few of the site wide images, like the logo, but not page specific images. Heres an example page deep in the site:
In the EE admin tool under assets I’m seeing “invalid file”, see screen shot. However, when I browse the downloaded copy of the servers file system, I do find the images – see below.
I’m not very familiar with EE. Any ideas where I could link these files back up for the staging server or what could have gone wrong? Any thoughts?
Thank you 5byfive creative and Rob Allen. I’m unfamiliar with how EE works but the source attribute you found src=”{XXresident-thumbX:url:400w}” seems wrong to me. Or is that what is expected. In HTML it would be a path to the image file. Are you saying this is not expected behavior for an EE site?
I’m not sure why the imags are all stored in different sizes I assumed this was an EE feature. Or was this how the previous webmaster set up this site?
Rob Allen, I’ll look at the paths, one thing that stood out was they were all in a directory called something like “dont-touch-this-dont-even-look-at-it” LOL. Of course I looked in there and found images for the website. I’ll take another look at it. Since it’s a legacy site that they don’t use anymore, I’m not going to spend too much time syncing the images up, especially if I can find a method of associated the images with the content. This sort of XXresident-thumbX:url:400w path doesn’t do that. Thanks for the help.
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