Hi Everyone.
I’m new at this and am a fan of this incredible CodeIgniter Framework,
here i share with you this libraries to upload multiple files, it have been
documented for easy integration.
I hope this is useful for you.
/*UPDATED 6/9/2012
I updated the library according to your need now you can upload with file arrays or normal file inputs as well, hope you enjoy. If you find this library helpful please say thanks and share it with people you know need this.
/*UPDATED 21/10/2012
Hi everybody, i modified this library as you requested, first at all.
Special thanks to frankabel and Pent to help me improve this library, ok
so now the problem with the appended texts of error was resolved and now, the array that
the library returns has a new attribute called [FILE_INPUT] which tells you from which input field the file was submitted or selected.
Example Code
'file_name' => string 'NCF_BLOQUEADOS.txt' (length=18)
'file_type' => string 'text/plain' (length=10)
'file_path' => string 'C:/wamp/www/code/uploads/' (length=25)
'full_path' => string 'C:/wamp/www/code/uploads/NCF_BLOQUEADOS.txt' (length=43)
'raw_name' => string 'NCF_BLOQUEADOS' (length=14)
'orig_name' => string '' (length=0)
'client_name' => string 'NCF_BLOQUEADOS.txt' (length=18)
'file_ext' => string '.txt' (length=4)
'file_size' => float 1199.88
'is_image' => boolean false
'image_width' => string '' (length=0)
'image_height' => string '' (length=0)
'image_type' => string '' (length=0)
'image_size_str' => string '' (length=0)
'error_msg' => string 'El archivo que está tratando de subir excede el tamaño permitido' (length=73)
'file_input' => string 'file' (length=4)
I hope you enjoy.
Save this with this name (MY_Upload.php)
Click here: DOWNLOAD MY_Upload.php
PayPal library released 😊 see post <here>