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parent orderby problem in 2.6

April 30, 2013 5:28pm

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  • #1 / Apr 30, 2013 5:28pm

    truffl's avatar


    4 posts

    The 2.6 upgrade magically created the parents statement below.

        {parents channel="question" orderby="question_order|entry_date"}

    It throws the PHP error that you see below.

        Message: Parameter 1 to array_multisort() expected to be a reference, value given

        Filename: relationship_parser/Parser.php

        Line Number: 583

    The statement on that line does not make sense to me as it calls the array_multisort using call_user_func_array rather than directly calling it. I commented out the line and replaced it with the direct call as indicated below and it seems to work.

      //call_user_func_array(‘array_multisort’, $sort_parameters);

    I am running PHP v5.3.3.

    Is this the correct fix for this problem?

  • #2 / May 13, 2013 5:25pm

    amityweb's avatar


    162 posts

    Where is this file please?

    I am surprised by the lack of supported fix to this, its such a visible error.

  • #3 / May 13, 2013 5:27pm

    amityweb's avatar


    162 posts

    I found it…


  • #4 / May 16, 2013 12:08pm


    53 posts

    FWIW We had the same problem and the same fix worked.


    Spoke too soon.
    No matter how I adjust the settings I can’t get it to sort.

    {parents field="media-unit" orderby="entry_date" sort="desc"}
     <tr class="{switch="|gray-row"}">  
      <td class="series-episode"><a href="/media/{parents:url_title}">{exp:trunchtml chars="45"}{parents:title}{/exp:trunchtml}</a></td> 
      <td class="series-date">{parents:entry_date format="%M %j, %Y"}</td> 
      <td class="series-speaker ">{exp:trunchtml chars="20"}{parents:media-speaker}{/exp:trunchtml}</td>   

    It has the same strangely unsorted look to it.
    You can see in the list at
    The list is effectively unsorted and I can’t get any sort to work. See any dumb mistakes in that code? I’ve tried orderby date, title, entry_date, etc.

  • #5 / May 16, 2013 1:46pm

    Pascal Kriete's avatar

    Pascal Kriete

    2589 posts

    There seems to be a difference between PHP 5.3 and PHP 5.4 in what is considered a valid reference in call_user_func_array(), which is probably why this wasn’t spotted. I still can’t reproduce it locally.

    Could I ask one of you to revert the above change and instead turn line ~576 into:

    $sort_parameters[] =& $columns[$v];

    Note the added ampersand. Thanks!

  • #6 / May 16, 2013 2:46pm


    53 posts

    That returned the error:

    A PHP Error was encountered
    Severity: Warning
    Message: Parameter 2 to array_multisort() expected to be a reference, value given
    Filename: relationship_parser/Parser.php
    Line Number: 583

    The sort doesn’t work there either.
    If it helps, orderby=“random” does work. But no other orderby seems to do anything.

  • #7 / May 16, 2013 3:08pm

    Pascal Kriete's avatar

    Pascal Kriete

    2589 posts

    The second parameter needs to be a reference?! PHP is just playing with me now.

    One more change, if you would be so kind. If that doesn’t do it I’ll spin up a vm with 5.3.3. Keeping my last change, add the same ampersand to the line below. So the two lines would look like this:

    $sort_parameters[] =& $columns[$v];
    $sort_parameters[] =& constant('SORT_'.strtoupper($sort[$i]));

    Thank you!

  • #8 / May 16, 2013 3:22pm


    53 posts

    No dice:

    A PHP Error was encountered
    Severity: Warning
    Message: Parameter 2 to array_multisort() expected to be a reference, value given
    Filename: relationship_parser/Parser.php
    Line Number: 584

  • #9 / May 16, 2013 3:28pm

    Pascal Kriete's avatar

    Pascal Kriete

    2589 posts

    Yeah that was my fault:

    $sort_parameters[] =& $columns[$v];
    $sort_flag = constant('SORT_'.strtoupper($sort[$i]));
    $sort_parameters[] =& $sort_flag;

    And with that - I’m going to find a PHP 5.3 box to tinker on.

  • #10 / May 16, 2013 4:25pm


    53 posts

    That worked! Awesome and thanks! I can now run code like:

    {parents field="media-unit" orderby="date" sort="asc"}

    And the results will sort.

    Thanks for the help!

  • #11 / May 16, 2013 4:31pm

    Pascal Kriete's avatar

    Pascal Kriete

    2589 posts

    Glad to help 😊 .

    Fix will be in the next release so no need to maintain a hack.

  • #12 / Sep 18, 2015 10:24am

    Tom Jaeger's avatar

    Tom Jaeger

    408 posts

    I seem to be running into a similar issue with EE 2.10.1 running on PHP 5.6.11.  I took a quick peak at the code in the relationship parser, but didn’t see a quick fix.  The following is an example of my template.

    {exp:channel:entries channel="clients" limit="1" }
     {parents field="client" orderby="title" sort="asc"}
      <h3><a href="/manager/project/{parents:url_title}">{parents:title}</a> ({title})</h3>
    <p> {/parents}<br />

    And attached is the output.


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